Saturday, August 05, 2006

What day is it today?

Saturday, August 5, 2006, 12:28pm, U2's The Unforgettable Fire album playing in the background.

Strangely, it doesn't even feel like Saturday. Yesterday didn't feel like Friday either. My sense of days feels disrupted by the odd schedule of the last week, especially with having conducted a funeral on Thursday. But it is Saturday, and it's time to start thinking about my sermon for tomorrow--thankfully, I already know my passage and generally where I am going with the topic. But before today I honestly have not had the chance to work on it. The week has gone fast, but still not fast enough. The day before the funeral, when I still had the funeral sermon and eulogy to write, I felt so awful and exhausted. I barely had any energy. The day of the funeral I felt better, primarily because I was happy with the message I would be bringing. Things were well organized. Everything was in place. But even so I was running on near-empty that day. God in His abundant mercy made sure that things went smoothly--the family seemed genuinely thankful and appreciative of the service. It was a difficult day, but one that I think truly honoured the life and memory of a beloved lady. I am grateful that things went as they did.

And so now it's Saturday. An in-between day. I'm still feeling tired and only a real vacation will bring genuine rest. That's still a few weeks away. I pray that the next three weeks will not bring any more extraordinary circumstances. I hope life is more routine, the days more recognizable for what they are. I pray that these next few weeks are like Saturday, a day in between the busyness of the week and the rest and Sabbath of the Lord's Day, a time of quiet waiting for resurrection, of new life from death and the tomb.

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